We're On Facebook Now
Hey we just created a Facebook page, so if your a Facebook member, be sure to add us to your friends.Here's the link to our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1504944930
Also, like we mentioned a long time ago, we should be getting some interviews soon... we're workin' on that right now :)
Picture Update
584 new pictures - 213 writers updated, and 189 new writers added. Sorry this update took so long, I have
been very busy on other projects. As you can see though, we never stop flicking. Next update should be in a few months :)
Upload Feature Removal
Due to so many people not reading the upload requirements, and most of all, sending in stolen pictures, we have decided to remove this feature from the site. If you still really want to contribute to the site, contact us and we'll decide from there... otherwise you can always post your pictures in the forum.
Picture Update
220 new pictures - 89 writers updated, and 73 new writers added. We updated a lot of the site's code so
sorry to all of you who have posted pictures from our site on forums.. cause those won't be working anymore. But
anyways, the new coding allows us to update much easier, so that should be a good thing in the future. Don't forget,
picture updates are always posted in the forum also. That's it for now. If you haven't
already, you should add our MySpace pages.. here's the links:Main MySpace page
Other MySpace page
Rails & Relics 2007
Hey everyone, we were at the Rails & Relics art show in LA. There were tons of dope model freights there, and we got a good amount of pictures too. You can check them out here. Also, if you didn't know already, the MySpace nazis deleted our primary account again, so please add our new one. Here's the address www.myspace.com/freightalicious. By the way, if any of our pages look really messed up, just hit refresh and that should fix it. Oh and don't worry, there should be a new picture update coming in a few weeks.
Picture Update
250 new pictures - 87 writers updated, and 97 new writers added. Don't forget, all new pictures will
be posted in the picture section of the Forum, so register and check it out. Also,
if you had our myspace page added to your friends a few weeks ago, you might have to add us again, cause if
you didn't notice already, the page got deleted. We actually have two pages now, so add them both. Here's
the links:Main MySpace page
Other MySpace page